Procedurally generated monsters (forgotten beasts, titans, nightmares, angels, and demons). Once a Tantrum Spiral gained momentum, nothing save for flooding the fort with lava and leaving a few survivors tended to work. The families of the dead then murder others/break things/begin to riot. Urist McLumberjack proceeds to murder three dwarves. McCatlady proceeds to break Urist McLumberjack's favorite table. Tantrum spirals, a rather famous part of the game before they were removed in the 2014 releases and onward. The cherry on top is that, after it's over, your engravers are liable to fill your entire fortress with procedurally generated carvings of people melting. Bugs especially, as they have a tendency to create things like perpetually burning puppies or unkillable blizzard men who are still wading through the stuff even as their fat boils off through their eye sockets (yes, boiling fat is quantified by the game). Pretty much any player interaction with lava has a good chance of creating this. Possibly the worst part? This was an experiment to see what happens when you assign a dwarf with no diagnosis skill to be the chief medical dwarf. The dwarf whose cut on his arm was diagnosed as rotting lungs ? The surgeon then removed the dwarf's lungs.the dwarf, obviously, did not survive. The solution? Build a spike trap under him and continue to spike him until the doctor takes notice of one of his new injuries and drags him to the hospital or he dies. Or when diagnostics was still horribly broken and a dwarf would spend literally months lying on the floor bleeding out while the doctor totally ignored him. Then seeing him still making his way around the fortress doing jobs a few months later, with his legs still missing. Like your dwarf getting his legs chopped off. The health/medical system has had its share of bugs, which is its own cause of Nightmare Fuel. Pretty much everything in the medical system can cause this. It is possible for a woman to accidentally hit an enemy with her baby. Mermaid bones were valuable, but mostly pointless. DF slowly turns players into Dwarves by having them hoard an increasingly valuable treasure for no reason other than they can. The worst part about this, is that money isn't all that important in DF. #DWARF FORTRESS TV TROPES UPDATE#
This actually bothered the creator enough that in a later update he greatly reduced the value of mermaid bones just to stop it. They'll acknowledge how fucked up it is to have a discussion about the best way to capture mermaids in order to start breeding an endless supply to kill and harvest the ever valuable bones from. Dwarf Fortress players are not exactly the picture of sanity and/or morality, and they're well aware of it.
If your fortress hasn't produced some sort of nightmare fuel by the time you're done with any given fort, you're clearly doing something wrong.
Despite being in ASCII and not outwardly scary, this game is full of Nightmare Fuel, all of it being mostly Fridge Horror.