Combined with Thunderlord's Decree, Zed dishes out some obnoxiously high burst damage. Zed : A master of shadows, Zed's burst damage was greatly augmented by Duskblade of Draktharr, resulting in essentially a double Zed ult. Meanwhile, with the multitude of AOE knock-up champions on the rift like Alistar, Yasuo can easily chain his ultimate into devestating combos. Yasuo : Yasuo's ability to outplay has always been extraordinarily high with his excellent mobility, passive, and of course, his famous windwall. Meanwhile, the mind games that she can utilize are extremely varied, each with the potential to be game changing via distortion poke or passive clone micro. Leblanc jumps in and out of battles seamlessly, allowing her to dodge many spells that might otherwise kill her. Leblanc : A champion that needs no introductions, Leblanc is still on top as a strong contender for mid lane dominance. Late game, her cooldowns are also short enough to smoothly transition into a sustained damage dealer that can easily tango with late game marksmen. Renowned for her ability to dodge and outplay with her ultimate, she combines those with her damage potential and CC from her kit to result in a flashy, yet effective burst mage. The only thing holding him back in ladder play is the ability of players to follow up on good plays, and the skill requirement to execute a good play fast enough that the enemy cannot react.Īhri : Ahri's power remains a staple in every mid laner's repertoire. His powerful movement blocking ultimate can reposition an entire team while dealing massive damage along the way. His early game is extremely powerful 1v1, and during mid to late game, his ability to 1v5 is immense.as long as the enemy team does not smash him down first. Nevertheless, there is no denying that he is very strong in this patch.Īzir : A good Azir is needless to say, one of the most influential champions on the rift.

However, I am currently leaving him off the list simply because his utility and outplay potential is much lower than the rest currently on the list. His powerful burst and sustained damage allows him to greatly impact teamfights, and his short cooldown CC is extremely effective in arranged team play.
#Season 6 uydr runix echoes or devourer professional#
Viktor - New Honorable Mention! : Viktor is currently largely considered the second best mid laner (right behind Azir) on the professional circuit.